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Flyboard Balance Board Training Course

Become a qualified trainer

Choose the training path that is SUITED TO YOU!

Starting from the first training session "BEGINNER," you will learn how to use the FLYBOARD BALANCE BOARD to create FUN and MOTIVATING lessons for your clients!


All training in one curve

Flyboard training course

Educational manual

Illustrated pages

Certificate of attendance

Trainer tutoring



Indirizzi Formativi

Scegli il percorso Flyboard che più si adatta alla tua visione formativa e ai tuoi obiettivi.
Se sei orientato verso un approccio volto a integrare il benessere psico-fisico, il percorso OLISTICO potrebbe essere la scelta ideale per te.
Se, invece, sei focalizzato sull'allenamento funzionale, il percorso FITNESS potrebbe offrire le risorse più adeguate alle tue esigenze.

Holistic address

ying yang

Flyboard Training BEGINNER Training

The first training step to acquire techniques and method. 

Flyboard Training POSTURAL Training

Improve body perception and postural tonic system

Flyboard BALANCE Training

Improve static-dynamic balance, taking advantage of the oscillation movement

Flyboard Training BODYFLY Training

The application of holistic discipline on the Flyboard tool

Flyboard Training YOGA AND PILATES Training

Acquire new techniques by exploring the versatility of the multifunctional tool

Fitness address


Flyboard Training BEGINNER Training

The first step to acquire techniques and method

Flyboard DYNAMIC Training

Improve aerobic resistance and motor coordination through synergistic exercises

Flyboard FUNCTIONAL Training

Train muscle groups using functional movements of particular intensity

Flyboard BAMBOO Training 

Maintain correct posture while controlling balance 

Flyboard Training CIRCUIT Training

Varied exercises to make your classes captivating, effective and personalized

Flyboard Rimini Wellness


Hybrid Education

Hybrid Flyboard training includes teaching at all levels, with both in-person and online options, giving students great flexibility in learning.


Video lessons

Offline video lessons are pre-recorded lessons that allow you to learn without the need for an active internet connection. They offer the flexibility to study when and where you prefer, allowing access to training material at any time and place.



IFE (International Flyboard Education) is an advanced training program for foreign personal trainers in the field of flyboarding. It guarantees international standards of excellence in the teaching of this discipline.

Next Dates

  • Formazione Flyboard Beginner in presenza
    Formazione Flyboard Beginner in presenza
    Sat, 31 Aug
    Carini (PA)
    31 Aug 2024, 09:00 – 13:00
    Carini (PA), Via Giacomo Leopardi, 50/52, 90044 Carini PA, Italia
    31 Aug 2024, 09:00 – 13:00
    Carini (PA), Via Giacomo Leopardi, 50/52, 90044 Carini PA, Italia
    Formazione Flyboard Beginner in presenza presso BodyFly StudioLAB - Docente Ivana Sanpaolo - Advisor Loredana Maida
  • Formazione Flyboard Beginner in presenza
    Formazione Flyboard Beginner in presenza
    Sat, 07 Sept
    Porto Viro (RO)
    07 Sept 2024, 09:00 – 13:00
    Porto Viro (RO), Via Gioacchino Rossini, 2, 45014 Porto Viro RO, Italia
    07 Sept 2024, 09:00 – 13:00
    Porto Viro (RO), Via Gioacchino Rossini, 2, 45014 Porto Viro RO, Italia
    Formazione Flyboard Beginner in presenza presso Sangat Yoga - Docente Claudia Bellan
  • Formazione Flyboard Beginner in presenza
    Formazione Flyboard Beginner in presenza
    Sat, 14 Sept
    Vimodrone (MI)
    14 Sept 2024, 09:00 – 13:00
    Vimodrone (MI), Via della Burrona, 30, 20055 Vimodrone MI, Italia
    14 Sept 2024, 09:00 – 13:00
    Vimodrone (MI), Via della Burrona, 30, 20055 Vimodrone MI, Italia
    Formazione Flyboard Beginner in presenza presso Vimo Wellness - Docente Simona Ferroli
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